My Approach

My work with parents is about empowerment not giving advice or providing magical tricks.  Instead, I work with you to make decisions in a safe, collaborative and supportive space, empowering you to make decisions.  My focus is on becoming mindful and conscious parenting, I work from a holistic and trauma informed  which is mainly based on these principles:

1. Focus on yourself:

This involves attending to your own needs and self-care. We work on showing up for yourself so you can show up for your child, self awareness, regulating emotions and addressing emotional wounds. I support you to break free from reactive behaviours (like yelling, shaming) by delving into your own inner child, and support you to parent from the present moment as you raise consciousness. I help you recognise the way your life including your parenting has been shaped by your experience, upbringing and conditioning. We work together to support you in becoming more mindful and aware, and instead of your inner child wounds running the show, you show up with responding from connection rather than reacting to your child and other relationships in your life.

2. Your relationship with your child:

Transforming your relationship with your child begins with genuine connection, understanding and meeting your child’s needs of feeling heard, loved, and seen. Focused on fostering deeper connection with your child as we keep your child in focus on their safety (both physical and emotional), their  needs, developmental stage and their temperament. It’s also about  accepting your child for who they are rather than trying to change them and instead of being the parent you think your child needs you become the parent your child needs you to be.  This helps with change of view to when you think your child is “doing wrong” you become curious and reflect what is your child communicating and needing from you to help them. 

3. Letting go of control:

Instead of control and fear based parenting, we work together for you to set boundaries, become a confident leader and create a safe environment both physically and emotionally. You and your child will develop a more connected relationship and work together as we focus on connection before correction, boundaries, and consequences and leading to an authentic parenting experience.

In essence it’s not about perfection but about continuously evolving and growing and awareness.
As the parent heals, becomes more mindful and responds in a different energy and more present positive changes manifest with the child. Shifting your focus from fixing your child to embracing parenting becomes an  operating for growth and self-discovery.